Mrs Pask
Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Pask is the Headteacher at Bingham Primary School. She has been in Primary Education for 21 years and during that time has taught in both KS1 and KS2. Mrs Pask has been a Deputy Headteacher and Acting Headteacher.
She wants all pupils to feel happy and safe at school and have a love for learning so that they leave Bingham Primary School ready for the next step in their education.
Miss Hart
Assistant Headteacher & Curriculum Lead and Year 1 Class Teacher
Miss Hart is one of the Assistant Headteachers and the Curriculum Lead at Bingham Primary School. She has 12 years teaching experience, working mostly across Key Stage One. She completed a Masters Degree in Child Psychology before going on to train to teach.
Miss Hart is passionate about creating exciting, happy and engaging learning environments for the children to explore, and believes that children should be at the heart of everything we do.
Mr Blankley-Woods
Deputy Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Year 3/4 Class Teacher
With 7 years’ experience of teaching Key Stage 1 in the Bradford area, Mr Blankley-Woods moved closer to his hometown. He is the Year 3/4 Class Teacher at Bingham Primary School.
Mr Blankley-Woods is passionate about inspiring children in an environment built upon enjoyment, respect and positivity. He believes in ensuring that children become independent and resilient life-long learners who can make a real difference within their communities.
Ms Leung
Administration Assistant and Midday Supervisor
Ms Leung is the Administration Assistant and one of the Midday Supervisors at Bingham Primary School. She has recently moved to the UK from Hong Kong.
Ms Leung worked in the marketing industry for over 10 years in Hong Kong.
Miss Chadburn
EYFS Lead and Teacher
Miss Chadburn is the Early Years Lead at Bingham. She has been working in education for 12 years and has taught across all age phases, from nursery, all the way up to Year 6. Miss Chadburn has been a Deputy headteacher and Acting Headteacher.
Miss Chadburn relishes the opportunity to educate and guide our youngest learners to reach their maximum potential. Miss Chadburn aims to bring out the very best in everyone and believes all pupils should be inspired to reach for the stars.
Miss Dewey
Reception Class TA
Miss Dewey has been teaching in the Early Years for over fifteen years. She believes that early years is the fundamental stage to get children engaged in learning, growing and becoming independent through fun and exciting, hand on experiences.
She is passionate about ensuring each and every child achieves their goals and most importantly the children have fun!
Ms Wells
Reception Class TA
Ms Wells is one of our Teachiing Assistants in Reception Class at Bingham Primary School. She has worked as a teacher in EYFS and KS1, but prior to this has over 15 years’ experience as a HLTA in a variety of different school-based settings.
Ms Wells is passionate about helping every child reach their full potential and become confident and happy learners. She believes that all children have the right to an excellent education, enriched with fun, memorable and inspiring lessons.
Miss Castell-Smith
Year 1 Teaching Assistant
Miss Wightman
Apprentice Teaching Assistant in EYFS
Miss Wightman is the TA apprentice at Bingham Primary School. She has worked across EYFS and Year 1 for 2 years and is keen to continue her learning and to provide fun and engaging learning for all.
She believes that every child deserves to learn in a safe and inclusive environment. She is passionate about ensuring that all children can access learning and that every child’s individual needs are met.
Mrs Murphy
Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs Murphy is a part-time Year 1 Teacher that has been working at Bingham Primary School since September 2023. Prior to this she has taught across both KS1 and KS2 at a primary school in Birmingham where she gained over 15 years teaching experience, including holding various middle-leadership roles.
Having a Biological Sciences Degree, she is particularly passionate about the teaching of STEM subjects within school.
Mrs Murphy always strives to provide the very best education for the children within her care, that matches what she would desire for her own children. She is excited to have now joined the strong team at Bingham Primary School.
Miss Beeby
1:1 and Teaching Assistant
Miss Allenby
Year 2 Class Teacher
Miss Allenby is the Year 2 Class Teacher here at Bingham Primary School. With experience working across all key stages. Miss Allenby is dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where children feel safe to explore, learn, and grow.
Miss Allenby has previously worked alongside children as a professional entertainer and believes in the importance of delivering a creative curriculum. She is passionate about integrating this into her teaching through engaging and interactive experiences that foster a love for learning within her class.
Miss Pritchard
Assistant Headteacher Year 5/6 Class Teacher
Miss Pritchard brings over ten years of teaching experience, having worked in both Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. She has completed the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) and has led key areas such as Maths, Science, and Pupil Premium.
Recently, Miss Pritchard discovered a new passion for teaching writing, sparked by her involvement in external writing moderation for end-of-Key Stage 2 assessments. Committed to fostering resilience and independence, she aims to create a learning environment where all pupils are empowered to thrive both academically and personally.
Miss Conneely
PPA Teacher
Miss Conneely is the PPA cover teacher at Bingham Primary School. With over 14 years of teaching experience across EYFS, KS1, KS2 and SEND, she is looking forward to working with all the children at Bingham Primary School.
With a degree in RE, Miss Conneely is especially excited to be delivering the RE and PSHE across the school.
She is deeply committed to not only helping children grasp new concepts but also to nurturing their self-awareness and understanding of the diverse world around them. Miss Conneely strives to create a supportive environment where students feel valued and encouraged to explore their identities while embracing and respecting the differences of others.
Ms Archer
Teaching Assistant
Ms Archer is our KS2 Teaching Assistant. She has been working in education settings for 25 years and this has given her a really good understanding of children's development and learning.
Ms Archer is passionate about inclusion and speech, language and communication development. She holds lots of qualifications in this area including Makaton. She enjoys providing children with fun and interesting activities and adapting the curriculum so its available to all. She believes that giving good opportunities for speech, Language and communication skills impacts positively on all of the areas of learning.
Mrs Mays
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Mays is the Key Stage Two Teaching Assistant at Bingham Primary School. She has worked in education for over 20 years - both as a Teacher and Teaching Assistant in Key Stages 1 and 2.
Mrs Mays believes that all children can succeed, regardless of the challenges they may face and that learning should be fun! She particularly enjoys sharing stories and books, developing a love of reading.
Mr Betts
Sport Apprentice/TA
Mr Betts is the Sport Apprentice/Teaching Assistant at Bingham Primary School. He is entering his third year in the education system and he is very excited to continue his journey and shape the future generations.
He is passionate about getting people active and making sport fun for everyone!
Mrs Poulson
1:1 Teaching Assistant
Mr Marshall
Site Manager
Mr Marshall has enjoyed a 45 year long career in the Hotel industry both in the UK and overseas. In more recent years, he has worked as a Maintenance Manager in the Health Care profession.
Mr Marshall is delighted to join the team at Bingham.
Miss Chan
Midday Supervisor
Miss Chan is one of the Midday Supervisors at Bingham Primary School. She was an Administrative Officer with 15 years of experience working alongside the public sector in Hong Kong.
Miss Chan loves children and is very excited to be supporting the pupils at Bingham Primary School.
Ms Chung
Midday Supervisor
Ms Chung is one of the Midday Supervisors at Bingham Primary School. Ms Chung was a nurse in Hong Kong in a 24-hour Outpatient Department for 18 years, she loves to work as a team, as a family with caring and love.
Miss Singleton
Midday Supervisor
Miss Singleton is one of the Midday Supervisors at Bingham Primary School.
She loves nothing more than helping others and is really looking forward to brightening
up our pupils lunchtimes.
Miss Singleton has always been in the retail sector mainly has a Manager and is passionate about
voluntary services.
Mrs Katie Beeby
Deputy Safeguarding Lead for CIT and Safeguarding Governor